Gunnerkrigg Court Wiki
The Fire Elemental

A female Fire Elemental as depicted in Chapter 31

The Fire Elemental is an etheric species first mentioned in Chapter 31. They resemble humanoid flames and possess strong etheric abilities, especially Pyrokinesis. Their fire is extremely prominent in their hair, and they are often referred to by using a yellow or orange crown-like symbol, and they also are described as “tricky ones”.


What we do know about fire elementals other than Coyote’s slight explanation of what they are is mostly from Tom's now defunct formspring Q&A:

  • When a fire elemental is born, the mother will wither away, having passed her flame to her child, meaning that the number of fire elementals can never increase.
  • Though there are no longer any fire elementals in Gillitie Wood, there are some in other places of the world.

Human-Elemental Hybrids[]

Human and Elemental

A hypothetical first union between a flame elemental and a human.

Fire Elementals can mate and produce living offspring with humans. Coyote says he “admires” man’s ability to see beauty in everything, even a flame. The hybrids produced by these unions retain the strong etheric power and often fury that their fire elemental parent has, but likely resemble ordinary humans with the exception of bright, fiery red hair that may or may not be made of real fire (all known hybrids have only solid hair shown, but given they are far more human than elemental it is likely a hybrid with larger percentage could have more non-human features).

The most well-known hybrid of a fire elemental and human, Surma Stibnite (later Surma Carver), had more human blood in her rather than Elemental, and although she had fiery red hair and a temper to match, she was apparently not good at controlling fire (though she states her grandmother was extremely good at it). Surma’s daughter Antimony Carver has similar red hair, but is much calmer than her mother and also had a better mastery over fire, even being able to transition fully into a form that resembles a fire elemental.

Similarly to fire elementals, when humans who have fire elemental ancestors have children, they may pass their flame onto their child and die as a result of it, as was the case with Surma. This flame is shown to reside deep within their body, resembling a child fire elemental; this flame may also be detached from the body as a variant of their hybrid descendant’s rage, typically through their hair.


List of Appearances[]


  • Fire Elementals may have some connection to phoenixes, as both species ate connected to and appear to be entirely made of fire. Additionally, when Annie was showing her best friend Katerina Donlan how to summon her inner self, a form of what could be described as a phoenix can be seen above her.
  • Tom once stated he would like to make the story about the very first human/fire elemental union.[1]

